WG D – Positive Tech
This group had the task of defining and agreeing upon a set of ambitious and yet actionable set of commitments that fell under Principle 6: [Companies will] “Develop technologies that support the best in humanity and challenge the worst. So the web really is a public good that puts people first.”
The web has been the incubator of some of the world’s most innovative companies. This Working Group will focus on how the private sector can ensure that technology creation and use is focused on human values and better experiences for everyone, and addresses the harms associated with some current use. How can companies design technology that benefits humanity, and what are the principles to follow in doing so? To what extent and how should companies make decisions about which content is made available online?
Group Members
Chair: Derek Slater, Google
Co-Chair: Kirsten Rulf, Government of Germany
Secretariat Rep.: Juan Ortiz, Web Foundation
WG Advisor: Joana Varon
(participants in alphabetical order)
- Arouna Mfenjou, Digital Access
- Bill Hodson, AvCapWest
- Ben Johnson, Government of London
- Brett Dunst, Dreamhost
- Cora Veesenmeyer, Enhance
- Damion Brown, Data Runs Deep
- Daniel Appelquist, W3C
- Dan Shefet, AAID
- David Miles, Facebook
- Ehouman Audrey, AE Tech Consulting
- Ghislain de Salins, Government of France
- Grace Mutung’u, Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)
- Ivan Herman, W3C
- Jamal Edwards, Microsoft
- Jan-Erik Vinje, Open AR Cloud
- Jennifer McDonald, Twitter
- Jory Burson, Bocoup
- Kaja Ciglic, Microsoft
- Michael J. Oghia, Global Forum for Media Development
- Mitzi László, inrupt
- Nathalie Marechal, Ranking Digital Rights
- Nick Pickles, Twitter
- Peter Benjamin, HealthEnabled
- Roz Davies, Good Things Foundation
- Shailin Dhar, Method Media Intelligence
- TBC, Change.org