
Principle 1

Principle 1

Ensure everyone can connect to the internet

So that anyone, no matter who they are or where they live, can participate actively online

1. By setting and tracking ambitious policy goals

  1. 1GB of mobile data costs no more than 2% of average monthly income by 2025.
  2. Access to broadband internet is available for at least 90% of citizens by 2030, and the gap towards that target is halved by 2025.
  3. At least 70% of youth over 10 years old and adults have Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills by 2025.

2. By designing robust policy-frameworks and transparent enforcement institutions to achieve such goals, through

  1. Fiscal and investment policies that stimulate investment in-and adoption of- connectivity solutions.
  2. Passive infrastructure sharing (towers, ducts on roads/rail/power lines), dig-once regulations and non-discriminatory and efficient management of radio spectrum to facilitate access to-and sharing of-spectrum for broadband connectivity.
  3. Open access rules on wholesale infrastructure in non-competitive areas, and access to license-exempt spectrum.
  4. Institutions with capacity to ensure compliance with laws and regulations designed to foster Internet adoption.

3. By ensuring systematically excluded populations have effective paths towards meaningful internet access

  1. Implementing national broadband policies with specific actions designed to target systematically excluded populations.
  2. Developing policies and providing funds for broadband strategies, including universal access and services definition, with effective technology neutral financing mechanisms for network development in unserved and underserved areas.
  3. Supporting the local production of content and applications, and the development of the necessary infrastructure and enabling environment for accelerating the growth of local digital businesses.
  4. Designing policies to increase internet access and digital literacy of women and other systematically excluded groups.

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